Cosmic Contemplation

  • art-cosmic-woman-contemplation-saturn-nebulae-hexagon

Short Description

“Cosmic Contemplation”. This is a digital art piece which I created in 2019, and is in keeping with a lot of my work, which often have a galactic or planetary theme incorporated within them.


  • Collection: Digital, Cosmic
  • Materials: Digital print
  • Status: Contact me for prints

I was inspired to create the image having stumbled upon a few articles which describe a hexagonal vortex located on Saturn’s South Pole. I played around with the theme, and just allowed my imagination to meander which eventuated in colourful nebulae, to which I added stars. I then veered away from the space theme, and drew the woman featured.

She is portrayed with her hands open and pointing upwards. Between the palms of her hands is a cube, which is also hexagonal when seen in the two dimensional plane. I wanted to depict an otherworldly illustration which inspires thought into the philosophical concepts of life, space and time.

I have, and have always had, an avid fascination with the metaphysical and the mysteries which arise from the age old questions, such as “why are we here?” and “what is life?”.

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